Sick Policy

Sick Policy

Genius Learning SSF reserves the right to temporarily deny any child admittance to the school for reasons of obvious illness, or to request early departure should symptoms become apparent during the course of the day. Any child who seems unable to participate in our program for any reason will be sent home. This is to ensure the continued good health of everyone at the center.

We realize that most of you are working parents and we do try to accommodate you as much as possible. However, for the health and well being of the children in our care and our staff we feel it is vital to maintain a strict wellness policy. We ask for parents to assist by keeping sick children at home. We do take into consideration your physician’s recommendations nevertheless it is up to our discretion when your child may return to school.

When a child may not attend school:

  • Fever: Children will be sent home if their temperature is 100.0 or higher and must stay home the next day for observation. Children must be free of fever (any temperature above 98.6 degrees) for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication. The same policy applies if your child develops a fever at home. They must be fever free (any temperature above 98.6 degrees) for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication.
  • Diarrhea and Vomiting: Children will be sent home if they vomit or have diarrhea and must stay home the next day for observation. Before returning to school (after the day of observation) children must symptom free with no vomiting or diarrhea for at least 24 hours.
  • Persistent Hacking Cough and Running Nose: Children will be sent home if they have a persistent hacking cough or running nose and must stay home the next day for observation. If in fact they do not require any treatment we need a doctor’s note with a diagnosis of exactly what it is with a clearance that it is not contagious.
  • Other common contagious conditions like: Lice, Conjunctivitis (pink eye), Contagious Rash